Clients and Projects

Current and recent clients of Healthcare Strategies Group include med-tech SMEs (Small and Medium size Enterprises), larger diagnostic and pharmaceutical companies, investors, academic technology transfer offices, governments, trade associations, and other consulting companies. Some illustrative recent and current clients:

  • SAW Diagnostics
  • Philips Healthcare
  • Abbott Diagnostics
  • Johnson and Johnson
  • Sanofi
  • Myriad Genetics
  • Oxford Immunotec
  • Innovate UK (formerly the UK Government Technology Strategy Board
  • Venture capital and IP management groups including Imperial Innovations, Omnes Capital, SA and Fusion / IP Group
  • UK academic technology transfer hubs including Imperial College, Nottingham University and Leeds University
  • Vaxxas (a vaccine delivery company based in Australia and Cambridge, MA)
  • Synevo Labs (an EU laboratory network)

Some Recent Illustrative Projects

  • Extensive fundraising and business plan development for med-tech SME
  • Business development operational support for a large med-tech client seeking to build partnerships with large pharmaceutical and other med-tech companies. Healthcare Strategies Group assessed the value proposition of the technology, supported development of communication materials, and set up multiple meetings with target partners.
  • Immunotherapy market development for a diagnostic client. Assessed fit of company platform in competitive landscape; conducted extensive BD, and brokered 2 pharma partnerships.
  • Market access strategy and operational HTA support for multinational diagnostic client. Helped chart entry strategy in several major markets, including NICE application in UK.
  • Conducted liquid biopsy (ctDNA) strategy review for Board of recently funded diagnostic company
  • International market research project associated with disease management strategy of multinational diagnostic client
  • Due diligence for a Venture Capital client seeking to better understand the value proposition and commercial differentiation of a potential portfolio company. Healthcare Strategies Group met with the management team, reviewed the technology and commercial strategy, and delivered an analytical report to its client.
  • Opportunity assessment for the IP portfolio of a technology transfer department of a leading University. Scoped market potential and key value drivers.
  • EU Market Access Project (with Epemed) “Enhancing Patient Access to Drug-diagnostic companion products”, publlication pending September 2014, Collabration with Charite Hospital, Berlin.

Confidentiality and other non-disclosure obligations limit our ability to share detail on these and other projects. Please contact us for more detailed information on our experience and services and how we can support your business objectives.